The Chamber

We don’t like to speak about what happens in the Chamber.


We understand that change can be a frightening experience, and we say before you embark on your journey that you should perhaps determine exactly what you want to achieve as an outcome, and how much you are prepared to risk.

We would also like to add this formal warning: This course WILL seriously challenge your notion of how much you can achieve in your lifetime. It WILL disturb you in terms of what you thought possible for yourself, and it WILL instil you with the self belief and confidence to reach your clarified goals and future desires. A three day training event for young people 14 -19 who wish to instil belief and confidence into their lives.

                     In the CHAMBER, you will be subjected to:

  • Comedy – Nothing opens up new neurological pathways of learning faster than laughter and a smile. Experience both here. (Warning: Your expectation of funny may differ from ours, but we will also be teaching you how to accept that you are just wrong on this one)
  • Magic – You will see things that you find hard to explain, you will have experiences that are hard to believe, but above all, you will know them to be true…
  • Hypnosis – It’s great, but we won’t use it on you. Or will we…no we won’t.
  • Games – We’ll teach you stuff, and then test you in the ARENA!
  • Puzzles – Once you are in, you will need all of your mental skill and experience to get out! Or not. Use the door, whatever, I don’t care.
  • Challenges – Physical and Mental, progress yourself along the leader board and crush your opponents empires beneath your sandaled feet!
  • Music – See, feel and learn how it sets your state of mind. Learn how to be your higher self at will.
  • Martial arts – The Warrior, The Initiate, and the Monk. You are all three.
  • Mind calming techniques of Ninjitsu – Only for those who have shown they are ready…
  • NLP – Reshape the path to your success, realise the limits of your imagination do not exist.
  • Showmanship- of the highest order
  • All weaved together with the intangible yet unbreakable bonds of Mynd Revolution’s elegant and dangerously seductive technique – AURAL TEXT.






This is a programme aimed at Yr 10 and then into Yr 11 students who are dis-engaged from learning and are at risk of becoming NEET. It is focussed on supporting young people to improve their school attendance, gain qualifications and progress into and remain in further learning Post-16.


(i) Individuals:

  • Improve attendance by an agreed % from the end of Year 10 until the end of Year 11
  • Ensure GCSE target grades are achieved and in some cases exceeded
  • Ensure progression into Post-16 learning
  • Stay in Post-16 learning for at least 12 months

(ii) Organisation:

  • Participating schools improve their NEET/Not Known/In Learning performance
  • 100% of participants in learning as of November 2018
  • 95% of participants retained in learning as of April 2019
  • 90% of participants retained in learning as of October 2019


  • Increased number of economically active young people
  • Enable young people to take personal responsibility for their own career development and future employability
  • Stronger, more cohesive communities
  • Sustainable development of communities to promote their independence (self-help), ability to thrive and resilience
  • The provider will ensure that all persons employed to deliver the contract are as a minimum paid the national ‘living wage’


Facilitation of the project from initiation to evaluation to deliver the following:

  • Produce a comprehensive delivery plan
  • Identification of 20 young people who will take part in the programme with the support of partner agencies.
  • Engage with programme participants and ensure that informed consent forms are signed by each participant and a parent or guardian.
  • Produce an personal development plan for each young person which will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the contract
  • Deliver a programme of activities to develop Confidence, Motivation, and self esteem. These will be tailored to the needs of the young people on the programme. These include a combination of functional skills and physical activity.
  • At the start of year 11, individual Keeping in Touch (KIT) provision will commence.
  • Delivery of an activity programme throughout half terms and holidays.
  • Spring Term will include business meetings with participants
  • Summer Term will involve working to prepare for exams and post 16 transition
  • Produce an personal development plan for each young person which will be reviewed at regular intervals Assist the students to develop a personalised five year aspirational plan that will help to map out how they will work towards their own positive destination on completion of the project.
  • The programme will recognise and celebrate participation and achievement.


This project will use a holistic approach to re-engage young people who are not achieving their potential in year 10. It will improve the likelihood of these students completing year 11. This should help to make the transition post year 11 smoother and reduce the number of young people from this cohort become economically inactive after the age of 18 years.


The benefit / change we are expecting to achieve as a result of the service or activity being delivered

Improved personal aspirations

Behaviour in school

Increased confidence

Improved self esteem

Improved emotional intelligence

Improved Conflict Resolution Skills

Increased positive communication


The measure of actions, units, events that tell us how much, how many or how often 

Personal development plan Tailored to individual young person Examples of plans
Improved school attendance-individual % targets set


Tailored to individual young person Benchmark each young person on entry to the programme and map progress against this indicator.
Exam result targets achieved (improved attainment compared with predicted grades)


Tailored to individual young person Benchmark each young person on entry to the programme and map progress against this indicator.
Individuals make a positive progression into post 16 learning


Tailored to individual young person Benchmark each young person on entry to the programme and map progress against this indicator.


% targets for NEET/Not Known set for the group as a whole   Benchmark the group on entry to the programme and map progress against this indicator.
Number of students successfully engaged with programme   Engagement and attendance records
Number of young people retained by programme   Percentage of students who sign off at the end of the program


The CHAMBER can be run at our training centre, or in house, It runs from 9.00am – 4pm for three consecutive days.

For more information on how to get your students geared for success, contact